for leaders
Dear leader,
“I know what it’s like to be asked to be part of a new initiative.”
Rev John McGinley
The Send UK & Ireland Executive Director
Upcoming leaders Gatherings
Join us at one of our upcoming leaders gatherings where we unpack what The Send is, dates for your diary and ways you and your ministry could get involved.
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GATHER 100,000
TRAIN 100,000
SEND 100,000

What is
the send?

The Send is a catalytic movement: gathering, training and mobilising young people into the Great Commission.

We are hosting local, regional and national gatherings across the Uk & Ireland, uniting the church and empowering primarily 16-25 year olds to live for jesus at home and abroad by adopting real mission fields.
In July 2024 the send gathered over 5,000 people at Wembley Arena in London. see the recap:
A Generation on the move...
Since launching in the US in 2018, The Send has seen thousands saved, trained and commissioned into mission. What started in one nation is now a world wide movement in over 10 countries.
The Send was founded as, and still is, a collaborative organisation, led by a team of international ministry leaders who resource diverse local teams in ‘Sending’ nations.
Andreas Nordli
YWAM Norway
Andy Byrd
Francis Chan
Crazy Love Ministries
Sunwah Park
Teo Hayashi
Dunamis Movement
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Bring your church
Bring your church
Bring your church
Bring your church
Bring your church
Bring your church
Bring your church
Bring your church
Bring your church
Bring your church
Bring your church
Bring your church
Bring your church
Bring your church
The Need for the send
A generation
is in crisis:
Current statistics:
1 in 4 people have 'no religion'
over 100,000 children in care, with many more in challenging circumstances
20% of people in England EXPERIENCING suicidal thoughts
94% of UK adults with no faith or are non-practicing christians

The rise of the digital age, the collapse of the nuclear family, Political uncertainty, and an identity crisis.

Young people today live in a culture of fear, meaninglessness, hedonism and disempowerment.

The Send rejects this. Believing that young people are vital to seeing lives changed and a cultural shift towards missional living, consecrated lifestyles and national REJUVENATION.

5 different ways of gathering
How the send gathers
Send Experience nights

These are local gatherings hosted in churches partnering with our mobilisation team.

Here we get a taste of, and cast vision for, THE SEND providing opportunities to commit to real mission opportunities with a few hundred from the area

Please contact our team if you would like to host a night in your town.

Find out more
Leaders Gatherings

Local gatherings for ministry leaders to find out more, ask questions and discover how they can get involved.

Attend a gathering or enquire to invite us to host an event.

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Send Week

In the days before Arena events we gather to flood the area with street outreach, spreading the gospel.

We train attendees with practical evangelism skills and then go out to share the gospel.

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These are larger gatherings in the run up to THE SEND's Arena Tour events featuring a local and international line up.

These events help to 'stir up the ground' for a cultural shift ahead of the Arena events.

These events will be in large churches gathering 800-2,000 people from across the region.

Find out more
The Arena Tour

Here we gather thousands to stand shoulder to shoulder with others from across a nation and step into what it means to live out the Great Commission.

These are usually 6-8 hours long, with worship, teaching and commissioning to train and empower people to GO into core mission fields at home and abroad.

These events are led by local and international speakers and worship teams. We currently have arena gatherings scheduled for Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin, London & Leeds.

Find out more
How the send Mobilises

As the Send gathers it also equips and sends believers to then live out the great commission in a specific mission field. We work with existing missional organisations, building on the work they are doing.

We have 5 core mission fields supported by 3 discipleship structures that aim to root people in the Bible, Prayer and Local community.

At all of the send's gatherings people are given the option to commit to a mission field by scanning a qr code and filling out a form. team from the send and our trusted partner orgs then follow up, helping them to take action by connecting them with EXISTING missional opportunities and encouraging them to talk to discern it further with their local church leaders.

5 Core mission Fields
Communities & workplaces

Giving young adults tools and training to share the gospel in their local settings.

Secondary Schools

Helping 11-18's develop faith movements in their schools.

Serving Vulnerable Children

Helping young people explore God's heart for vulnerable children and families.

The Nations

Equipping people to explore short and long-term mission overseas.


Activating students into mission on their campus.

Believe in the vision?
Explore giving
behind this?
The Send UK & Ireland is a collaborative organisation pulling TOGETHER leaders from across the church in our nations.

We believe that God is on the move in our young adults and The Send is a response to this.

“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few”


Exec Director
Exec Advisor
council of
Operational teams
Media & Comms
Event Management

Our Partners

Our desire is to represent, resource and empower the church in the Uk across all areas. We are partnering with missional organisations, churches, missionaries, mobilisers and young leaders t0 help us gather, equip and send 100,000.

If you would like to discuss ways you could get involved click below to fill out the form to apply.

Register interest

Our Beliefs

The Send is a collaborative, global coalition of Jesus followers, dedicated to the fulfilment of the great commission. We are centred on the Gospel, equipping then sending a global force of messengers to relationally deliver the Gospel message to every person in the world – this is the sound of “GO.”

  • We believe that the Bible is God’s inspired and authoritative word, revealing that Jesus Christ is God’s son

  • That people are created in God’s image

  • That He created us to have eternal life through Jesus Christ

  • That although all people have sinned and come short of God’s glory, God has made salvation possible through the death on the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ

  • That repentance, faith, love and obedience are fitting responses to God’s initiative of grace towards us

  • That God desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth

  • And that the Holy Spirit’s power is demonstrated in and through us for the accomplishment of Christ’s last commandment to go into all the world.

These statements signify our belief and what we stand for. We work through the power of unity with those who share these beliefs and with the global Church to remain solely focused on ensuring the world knows Jesus.


The Send is totally reliant on donations

Imagine if in the next 5 years there was a new generation of God loving young men and women in our nations: boldly living out their faith in their CAREERS, lifestyles, churches, families and friendships. this is what The send is called to awaken.

As we gather and commission thousands into DISCIPLESHIP structures and mission fields we believe that God will raise up boldness in a new generation and speak a radical calling over thier lives that will EXPONENTIALLY develop a new generation of CONSECRATED disciples who raise up disciples.

This vision is only possible through churches, organisations and individuals choosing to sow into this vision and give to the send.
THE SEND UK & IRELAND is a registered charity under the legal and financial responsibility of YWAM Harpenden, with CCX as a key partner. If you'd like to have a discussion about ways you'd be interested to give please contacT

Give Now


We take the protection of under 18’s & vulnerable adults seriously and have developed a RIGOROUS Safeguarding policy. Find out more on our designated page.
visit page

Get involved

We want involvement from leaders like you to help us mobilise young people and to partner with The Church in our nations:

for leaders
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18 April 24
St Barnabas Church
30 april 24
13:00 - 14:00
21 may 24
Alive Church London
15 may 24
13:30 -14:30
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What is
The Send?

THE SEND is a collaborative, global coalition of Jesus followers, dedicated to the fulfilment of the Great Commission. Centred on the Gospel, THE SEND is equipping and sending a global force of messengers to relationally deliver the Gospel message to every person in the world – This is the sound of “GO”.

The vision is to create mass gathering events where success is not the number gathered but the number activated to reach one of five key mission fields:

Serving Vulnerable
Communities &

From the first gathering at Camping World Stadium in Orlando, Florida it was clear this was not an event but a movement: a generation was ready to move from inspiration to action. Over the last years THE SEND has filled stadiums and arenas in numerous US cities, Brazil and Norway and consequently tens of thousands of people have committed to take missional action.

3 areas of impact:

THE SEND was born out of The Call, a mass prayer movement in the US, which gathered people in stadiums to pray for the nations. For over 20 years The Call planted a seed of hope until God spoke radically to its leaders that The Call was to become THE SEND, to move from praying for missions, to commissioning a missionary movement. Around this a team of highly experienced international leaders have come together to lead THE SEND: Andy Byrd (Youth With A Mission), Daniel Kolenda (Christ For All Nations), Francis Chan (Crazy Love), Teo Hayashi (Dunamis Movement), and Andreas Nordli (YWAM Norway).

After 5 mass events in the US, 3 in Brazil and 1 in Norway THE SEND is continuing to spread to new nations who can taste and see what God is doing and are hungry. In October 2023 teams from 5 nations and The UK & Ireland were trained and commissioned to carry THE SEND into their nations.

of faith

The Send is a collaborative, global coalition of Jesus followers, dedicated to the fulfilment of the great commission. We are centred on the Gospel, equipping then sending a global force of messengers to relationally deliver the Gospel message to every person in the world – this is the sound of “GO.”

  • We believe that the Bible is God’s inspired and authoritative word, revealing that Jesus Christ is God’s son;
  • That people are created in God’s image;
  • That He created us to have eternal life through Jesus Christ;
  • That although all people have sinned and come short of God’s glory, God has made salvation possible through the death on the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ;
  • That repentance, faith, love and obedience are fitting responses to God’s initiative of grace towards us;
  • That God desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth;
  • And that the Holy Spirit’s power is demonstrated in and through us for the accomplishment of Christ’s last commandment to go into all the world.

These statements signify our belief and what we stand for. We work through the power of unity with those who share these beliefs and with the global Church to remain solely focused on ensuring the world knows Jesus.

“But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?”

Romans 10:14 (NLT)

organisational structure
Exec Director
Exec Advisor
council of
Operational teams
Media & Comms
Event Management

The SEND UK & Ireland Team

Dan Randall

Engagment Team
More info

Mike Darbandi

Church Engagement
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Iggie Clark

Events Director
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Barry Weir

Ireland Director
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Jo Henry

Engagement Director
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Gloria Chico

Social Media Manager
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Darren McClatchey

Ireland Director
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Dan Tarrant

Website manager
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Benjamin Elliott

Media & Comms Director
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Adam Walton

Outcomes Director
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Nations Team
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Hannah Fritz

Team Member
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Colin Dill

Outcomes Team
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Sam Leighton

Mobilisation Director
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Hannah Mitchell

Outcomes Team
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Josh Green

Mobilisation Team
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Steve Gorton

Operations Director
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Berdien Ringland

Scotland Lead
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Steph Iltchenco

Prayer team
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Gaynor Murebwa

Spotfires Scotland
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Kelly Jones

Safeguarding Lead
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Michael Craig

Mobilisation Lead
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Matthew McNeil

Mobilisation Lead
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John McGinley

Team Leader
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Josh Cutting

Team Leader
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JJ Waters

Spotfires Director
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Ruth Weller

Reps Lead
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David Harris

Worship Lead
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Todd Weller

Video Lead Scotland
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Aaron Nayagam

Mobilisation Team
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Mary Melrose

Show Producer
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John Metcalfe

Media & Comms
Team Manager
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Wole Agbaje

Touring Team
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Pedro Netto

Touring Team
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Luke Greenwood

Outreach Director
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Rachael Howson

Prayer Team
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David Vincent

Prayer Director
More info
how the send gathers

THE SEND UK & IRELANDs goal is not just to gather 100,000 youth and young adults into a stadium but to train and send 100,000 out ready for the Great Commission.

TRAIN 100,000, GATHER 100,000, SEND 100,000.

Our strategy is built in layers small to large with each layer building on the previous one and pointing to the next:

how the send follows up

THE SEND seeks to minimise the gap between inspiration and activation.

It aims to both inspire and call people to engage with God’s mission whilst equally providing clear and accessible opportunities to do so by partnering with local churches and organisations. 

This happens in two interrelated ways:


There are several partnership roles we are seeking for THE SEND UK & Ireland. These vary in depth and commitment but each position requires people who are committed to our vision to see Jesus move radically in our young people.

Key factors we will be looking at:

  1. A clear trusted ministry, visible through its fruit or trusted recommendation
  2. Committed to the vision and values of THE SEND
  3. Ethnic and gender diversity
  4. Willingness to take responsibility for the role they fulfil
  5. Willingness to represent THE SEND to their network of relationships
  6. Willingness to encourage financial and prayer support
register interest

THE SEND UK & IRELAND is under the legal and financial responsibility of YWAM Harpenden, with CCX as a key partner. It is dependent on the generosity of individuals, churches, and organisations for funding.

See giving options