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University years are some of the most formative years

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[ Make a missional commitment ]

evangelism training
in person training for students

Do you want to grow in sharing your faith with others?

We will come to your university to equip you and your friends how to share your faith and make disciples.

We will run 3 training sessions including 'training on the job' to help you get started.

join the Student Evangelist Network
Get equipped, championed and connected for mission on Campus

76% of non-Christian students would go to church if they were invited by a friend.

Join our network of students looking to share Jesus on their university campus.

Join a Christian Union

Get help finding or starting a CU at your university, a community of Christian students from all church backgrounds.

Encourage each other in community and  run evangelistic events on your campus so that students can hear the good news of Jesus.

Join your uni's evangelism group
Grow in sharing your faith with others in your daily life

Join a local group of students that are engaging in faith conversations at your university.

Through these evangelistic conversations student can hear more about Jesus and you will be equipped to have conversations about Jesus.

[ Use the button below to make the first step ]

I want to be connected to a missions organisation that will equip and send me to the nations
make a commitment
make a commitment
make a commitment
make a commitment
make a commitment
make a commitment
make a commitment
make a commitment
make a commitment
make a commitment

"Our support of THE SEND UK & IRELAND reflects a shared commitment to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  It does not indicate an endorsement of any other aspect of the work of those involved in THE SEND UK & IRELAND."

Our work began over 100 years ago. Since then, the cultural landscape of a previously Christian nation has changed dramatically. Christianity has lost any sense of ‘home advantage’ amongst younger adults today and it’s not evident to most students why their search for answers should start with Christianity over and above any other religion or philosophy. At the same time, we are observing a current sense of spiritual openness amongst university students that surpasses that of recent decades.

In spite of these changes, the vision of UCCF is the same today as it was back in 1919 - to give every student an opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel.